My hope in working with families who come from diverse
backgrounds is that I will continually reflect and check myself that I am being mindful,
respectful and appreciating their contributions to my program. I hope to remain open to new possibilities
and do not want to assume that my way of being is the only way. Through my diversity reflections, I have
realized that there is still much I need to learn and experience in the process
of overcoming personal biases and misconceptions. I hope to continue this journey of self
discovery and advocacy.
One goal I would like to set for the early childhood field
related to issues of diversity, equity and social justice is to continue to
help educate EC professionals, parents, and other key community/political
leaders of the critical importance of children’s social/emotional learning. I have seen too many programs neglect
social/emotional learning - in helping children build foundational skills that
teach them how to accept and collaborate with others who are different than
they are. I feel we almost need a back
to basics approach to early childhood education, where children are modeled and
directly taught how to be kind, use soft hands, share, and play well with
others. The ability to empathize with
others, have self control, show respect, and resolve conflict are critical
aspects of social ability that is being neglected because so much emphasis is
being placed on cognitive ability in the elementary grades. How can we create a society that is accepting
of diversity and advocate for equal access to all, when we are not teaching our
young children these skills because we must focus on strict academic development
at younger and younger ages?
I have enjoyed learning from the collaboration and writings
of my diverse colleagues these past 8 weeks.
I have been inspired by your passion for early childhood education, and
through your personal experiences and viewpoints related to diversity and
equity that you have shared with me.
Thank you very much for your contribution to my learning! Best wishes moving forward in your education!